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Shim, end float, 0.30mm ('66-on cranks only)
Small end bush T2 Beetle 1600, Split 65-67 T2 and T25
SSP Forged Crankshaft 4140 76mm/ VW
Standard Magnesium Crankcase. 1300-1600cc Genuine VW
Supercase 90.5/92mm Cylinders, 10mm case savers
Supercase, 94mm cylinders, 10mm case saver
T1 & T2 barrel and Piston set. Aug 1967 to May 1979 1600cc (85.5mm)MAHLE
T1 & T2 barrel and Piston set. 8/67 to 5/79 1600cc (85.5mm) Mahle
T2 and Beetle 1600 Flywheel, light cast 8 dowel